This tutorial was written by me on 27th February 2009. I used PSPX2 but it might work with other versions, too. This tutorial is copyrighted to me, any resemblance is purely coincidental and not intentional!
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Leuk dat je komt kijken
Ik ben Yolanda 49 jaar oud, getrouwd en heb 2 dochters.
Sinds juni 2008 met psp bezig en nu al verslaafd.
Hier staan mijn lesjes en eigen ideetjes.
Veel plezier hier
Hello ... Glad to see you here
I'm Yolanda is 49 years old, married and have 2 daughters. Since June 2008 working with psp and already addicted. Here are my own ideas tags that i have done and some tutorials.
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